Barrier-free System Change Camp

We understand barriers as socially created structures that disadvantage people because of certain physical, cognitive, psychological or other characteristics. We have given a lot of thought to how we can break down barriers at the System Change Camp.

Auf dem Bild ist ein bunter Demonstrationszug von vorne abgebildet. Auf dem Foto sind ca. 15 Menschen, zwei davon im Rollstuhl. - The picture shows a colourful demonstration procession from the front. There are about 15 people in the photo, two of them in wheelchairs.

We explicitly invite people to the System Change Camp who are affected by barriers. Barriers are an expression of social power relations. We see breaking down these structures as part of our political practice, which is why we try to make our camp as barrier-free as possible. We understand this path to inclusion as a process in which we can and must still learn a lot.

In our planning of the camp we try to think about possible limitations, and for a common learning process we are looking forward to your feedback! Please get in touch with us (contact camp working group: , or Infomail-Team: ) if you have any needs, questions or comments or need support on site.

We have already thought in detail about how we can break down barriers at the System Change Camp. Feel free to have a look here !


Call for anti-LNG action weeks!

10. September 2024 We all know that clean gas is a dirty lie! The import of fracked LNG promotes neo-colonial exploitation, leads to massive climate damage and environmental destruction, especially in indigenous and black communities. Continue reading ...