Information about the Tesla action weekend 8-12.05.24

In just under 2 weeks the time has come and the camp “Wald.Wasser.Gerechtigkeit. – for a traffic turnaround beyond Tesla” and the Disrupt Action Days (8-12 May) in Berlin/ Grünheide will start!

Dear friends fighting for climate!

We are so happy to welcome you all there!
To estimate the number of people, here is an anonymous registration:

Arrival day is Wednesday, 08.05., from then on the programme starts. On Thursday there will be action training + legal training, among other things.

You can find all the relevant information about the campaign and what it will look like here: . There are now also lots of information events, which you can also find on the website .

Do you need some quick mobilising material ? You can find it here:

You want to take action with your friends? This affinity group guide is helpful for taking action responsibly and collectively:

On the website you will also find a lot more information about the action , the call and why actions of mass civil disobedience are so important against Tesla!

Current news about the action: (German only, sorry!)

See you soon in Grünheide!

+++ P.s.: You can arrive earlier? Great, why don’t you help set up the camp+++


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