Theme Night: Police Everywhere, Justice Nowhere. June 28, 2022, 8pm

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 8 pm we want to have an online discussion with you about the police, a critique and attitude from an alliance perspective and concrete statements about it.

In preparation for the theme night this Tuesday (28.06.22 8pm) on the topic of police criticism, we want to send you the following text, which should be the basis of the discussion. It is a proposal for an EG position on the topic of police and should be discussed and possibly decided upon at the next alliance meeting. The theme night serves to identify crucial points or to make changes to the text. (only available in German at the moment, our apologies!)

Here is a summary of the text: (only available in German at the moment, our apologies!)

It’s best to read at least that, but it definitely makes sense to read the detailed version, mentioned above, as well.

In this pad you will soon find all access data and most important information:


Need for support: It would be great to find people for the translation (de-en) as well as awareness work and meeting minutes for the evening. If you can imagine doing this for two hours or part of the evening, please get in touch! ( PGP-Key )


Kind regards,

your Orga-Crew


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